
Qur’an translation of the week #210: Korani Kerim by Mohammed Shemsuddin: an illegal Bulgarian translation of the Qur’an composed during the communist era

The question of Qur’an translation into Bulgarian has historically mainly been associated with the Turkish-speaking minority living in the south of the country, on the border between Turkey and Greece. This community survived many challenges during the course of the twentieth century, including concerted endeavors by Christian missionaries to convert the population, and the Bulgarian […]

Qur’an translation of the week #210: Korani Kerim by Mohammed Shemsuddin: an illegal Bulgarian translation of the Qur’an composed during the communist era Read More »

Qur’an translation of the week #83: Turkish interpretation, Bulgarian translation- ‘Sveshteniyat Koran’ by Ivan Dobrev

Bulgaria has quite a large Muslim community (of more than half million people) which traditionally has had close cultural relations with Turkey, thus attempts to ‘Bulgarizing’ the Holy Book of Islam have historically been deemed as a challenge to the Turkish language and identity. Almost all published Bulgarian translations were prepared outside the community of

Qur’an translation of the week #83: Turkish interpretation, Bulgarian translation- ‘Sveshteniyat Koran’ by Ivan Dobrev Read More »

Qur’an translation of the week #40: “Prevod na Sveshtenia Koran” by Tsvetan Teofanov into Bulgarian

The Bulgarian language is spoken by at least eight million people (including more than half a million Muslim speakers) and has played an especially interesting role in the history of Qur’an translation in the Balkan area. As the Balkans have historically been a space where Slavic culture encounters Turkish influence, the “Bulgarization” of the Qur’an

Qur’an translation of the week #40: “Prevod na Sveshtenia Koran” by Tsvetan Teofanov into Bulgarian Read More »